Welche chinesische Stadt passt am besten zu Ihnen? Finde es mit 9 Fragen heraus
Answer these questions to find out which Chinese city and you are most alike. We’ll rank your latitude based on the answers: simply keep track of your amount of A’s and B’s. Maybe it’ll help you decide your new hometown, place to study Mandarin, or travel destination (we hope it’s Shanghai)!
When you say “where”, you pronounce it as:
A. Nǎr?
B. Nǎlǐ?
What would you choose for lunch tomorrow?
A. Jiǎozi (dumplings)
B. Mǐfàn (rice)
When you buy a cup of soy milk, you would like to add some:
A. Táng (sugar)
B. Jiàngyóu (soy sauce)
In the winter in China, do you picture yourself in a house with a heating system, or an A/C on the wall?
A. Heating system
B. Air conditioning on the wall
When it’s snowing, you would:
A. Remain calm and carry on the day as usual
B. Rush out to take a picture of the snow scene
When picking dishware, you prefer using a:
A: A plate.
B: A bowl.
Talking about 1 yuan money, you prefer coin or paper not
A. Paper note
B. Coin
When someone needs help for directions, you use:
A. Dōng、nán、xī、běi (east, south, west, north)
B. Qián、hòu、zuǒ、yòu (front, back, left, right)
Imagine your house in the countryside:
A. It has a flat roof
B. It has a pointy roof
Start counting how many “A”s you get in the following questions.