Quizlet Mandarin Chinesisch Lernkartensets
At GoEast Mandarin we use Quizlet flashcards to teach Chinese in our online Chinese language courses, whether online or in Shanghai. Find all our Chinese flashcard sets here, or below per level:
- HSK1 Chinese flashcards
- HSK2 Chinese flashcards
- HSK3 Chinese flashcards
- HSK4上 Chinese flashcards
- HSK4下 Chinese flashcards
- HSK5 Chinese flashcards
- Hanzi Characters with pictures (A)
- Hanzi Characters with pictures (B)
Quizlet flashcards are perfect for learning Chinese
Quizlet is a simple learning tool that can help you learn almost anything, including Mandarin Chinese language and Chinese Hanzi characters. It is a free APP for learning Chinese that enables teachers and students to create digital flashcards. Nowadays with the help of Quizlet, you can quickly and easily create your own study sets and use a variety of methods to learn and revise them.
Read on to find out about the main advantages and our top tips on how to use Quizlet flashcards most efficiently to learn Chinese vocabulary.
Chinese flashcard sets in Quizlets
Create lists from your HSK textbook
If you are using a textbook, you can create Chinese flashcards based on the new words in the textbook and keep consistent with your own learning speed. Perfect for preparing HSK exams!
Find study sets in Quizlet
You can get reliable resources from other users on Quizlet. There are thousands of users on Quizlet, and they have created many flashcards based on the text. You can find one that meets your needs and with good quality, on any topic. But as said above, you can also use GoEast Mandarin’s general-purpose sets. If you study with GoEast, your teacher may also create sets specifically for you, depending on the course.
Create specific sets by yourself
For beginners, you can use google translation to create the examples you want to practice. You can create words that you find useful, practical, and need to learn into your flashcards. You can insert pictures to help you make visual associations.
Here are some tips for all the learners when creating your own individual sets:
- Use a dictionary definition (eg. 容许:同意做某事)
- Use an example with a gap (eg. 无论________, 我都要努力学中文。)
- Use synonyms (eg. 高兴、快乐、开心)
- Always try to create sets around themes (eg. Clothes, Food, Feelings etc.). It’s much easier and more efficient for the brain to remember a group of English words related to the same topic.
- When possible, include short phrases and collocations. Collocations are words that often go together. For example, instead of learning the word “提高(Tígāo, improve)”, learn a collocation “提高水平/提高工资”. This gives you a better idea of how to use words and phrases.
Here are some tips for creating new sets in an effective way:
- You can use the ‘Import’ function to copy and paste a list of words from your word, PDF or Excel document.
- Quizlet has built-in dictionaries for the most popular languages, so in most cases, you don’t even have to type the translation.
- There is quite a big image bank, so for most words and collections, you can find a picture to help you make visual associations. Our own Hanzi sets (A & B) also use pictures.
- Quizlet will automatically upload a sound file to most of the words and phrases in your set, so you can practice your pronunciation, too.
Ways to use Quizlet to learn Chinese
Quizlet has apps for Android, iOS, and APK, so you can study your sets on the go. A variety of learning methods and games lets you choose what works best for your Chinese language progress:
- Flashcards – see the picture and translation/definition and try to recall the word or phrase. If you can’t remember, flip the flashcard to see the answer.
- Learn – check how many items you already know and practice those you don’t know.
- Write – See the meaning and pick the correct characters offered.
- Spell – listen to the words and phrases and type them correctly.
- Test – see the picture and translation/definition and type the word or phrase.
- Match (Scatter game) – match pictures/translations/definitions with English words and phrases.
- Gravity– type in the answers quickly to catch the falling asteroids.
- Live – if there are more than 3 persons, you can create a live game, set two groups, and compete with each other.
One thing to notice before you start
Be careful when using sets created by other Quizlet users. There is quite a big bank of sets created by other users and teachers on Quizlet that you can learn as well. Some of them could be useful – for example, HSK1 or HSK2 words. However, in most cases, they were created for specific people and their individual needs. For instance, GoEast Mandarin Chinese teachers create sets for students where we include words that are new for them, keywords from our readings or discussions, words that they typically forget. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to learn those, but it is much more efficient to create your own personalized sets. Even in the process of creating a set, choosing images and translations or examples helps you remember the words better. Besides, the Quizlet team has made it so easy that it won’t take more than 10-15 minutes.