Wie man 把bǎ auf Chinesisch verwendet
The tyrannical “把”, unlike anything in English languages and so very tricky for Chinese learners to master. But you can! And you should, because it’s an extremely common sentence structure in Chinese.
Everyone struggles with how to use 把bǎ in Chinese, when they reach an intermediate-high level. The “把” sentence structure is such a distinctively Chinese sentence pattern! It is much easier if you get to know a few more rules for when you can’t use “把” other than the basic pattern(S )+ 把 + O + V. + ( ). Here we explain this Chinese grammar point.
Using the 把 (bǎ) Structure in Mandarin Chinese
The 把 (bǎ) structure is an important grammar pattern in Mandarin Chinese that allows speakers to emphasize the object in a sentence. By using 把, you can topicalize the direct object and highlight what is being acted upon.
When to Use the 把 Structure
The 把 structure is used when:
- The sentence has a direct object
- The direct object is a noun phrase or pronoun
- You want to emphasize the direct object by placing it before the verb
This structure alerts the listener that the post-verbal noun is what’s being affected by the action.
How to Form 把 Sentences
Here is the basic structure of a sentence using 把:
Subject + 把 + Object + Verb + Other complements
For example:
我把信写了。 Wǒ bǎ xìn xiě le. I wrote the letter.
The use of 把 marks the object “letter” as the focus of the sentence.
Key Grammar Rules
There are some key grammar rules to follow when using the 把 structure:
- 把 comes immediately before the direct object
- The object must be a noun phrase or pronoun
- Stative verbs like “to be” cannot be used in 把 sentences
- Two or more objects can be placed after 把
- 把 cannot be used with indirect objects
Look at these example sentences demonstrating the rules:
他把书忘在家裡了。 Tā bǎ shū wàng zài jiā lǐ le. He forgot the book at home.
我们把礼物都送给了朋友。 Wǒmen bǎ lǐwù dōu sòng gěile péngyǒu. We BA gifts all give-PERFECTIVE to friends. We gave all the gifts to our friends.
Common Mistakes
Two common mistakes to avoid when using 把:
- Don’t use stative verbs like “to be”, “to exist”, etc. For example:
✖ 我把这本书是中文的。 Wǒ bǎ zhè běn shū shì zhōngwén de.
Tips for Using 把 Correctly
- Memorize the sentence structure: Subject + 把 + Object + Verb
- Pay attention to the object’s position right after 把
- Stick to action verbs when using this grammar form
- Remember that only direct objects can follow 把
Examples of how to use 把bǎ in Chinese
Not all verbs can use ‘把bǎ’
Generally speaking, verbs that can be applied to influence people or things are used as the predicate of the 把-sentence. It is more important to notice what kinds of verbs can not be used in this pattern.
1: Don’t use verbs that don’t indicate change, like:
- 是(shì)
- 有(yǒu)
- 我把电影票有了。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ diànyǐngpiào yǒu le. (Incorrect!)
2: Don’t use verbs that denote senses, like:
- 知道(zhìdao)
- 认识(rènshi)
- 觉得(juéde)
- 同意(tóngyì)
- 听见(tīngjiàn)
- 懂(dǒng)
- 我把她的主意同意了。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ tāde zhǔyi tóngyì le. (Incorrect!)
3: Don’t use verbs that express mental activity, like:
- 怕(pà)
- 喜欢(xǐhuan)
- 希望 (xīwàng)
- 我把篮球喜欢了。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ lánqiú xǐhuan le. (Incorrect!)
4: Don’t use verbs that indicate beginning or continuation, like:
- 开始(kāishǐ)
- 出发(chūfā)
- 继续(jìxù)
- 我们把晚会开始了。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒmen bǎ wǎnhuì kāishǐ le. (Incorrect!)
5: Don’t use verbs that indicate a direction, like:
- 进(jìn)
- 出(chū)
- 上(shàng)
- 下(xià)
- 回(huí)
- 去(qù)
- 我把美国回了。(Incorrect!)
Wǒ bǎ Měiguó huí le. (Incorrect!)
6: Don’t use verbs that indicate a physical movement, like:
- 坐(zuò)
- ‘站(zhàn)
- 躺(tang)
- 我把椅子坐下了。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ yǐzi zuòxià le. (Incorrect!)
You must specify your object
You should use 把 if the object is definite or refers to a person or thing known to both the speaker and the hearer.
- 他把那件衣服买了。
- Tā bǎ nà jiàn yīfu mǎi le.
And not:
- 他把一件衣服买了。(Incorrect!)
- Tā bǎ yí jiàn yīfu mǎi le. (Incorrect!)
You must specify the result
The verb must be followed by some other element to show the result after the action you did to the objects.
- 我把电视打开。
- Wǒ bǎ diànshì dǎkāi.
But not:
- 我把电视开。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ diànshì kāi. (Incorrect!)
This example is correct because it includes 了le for the completed action.
- 他把那杯绿茶喝了。
- Wǒ bǎ nà bēi lǜchá hē le.
This one is not, because it lacks the completion of the action.
- 他把那杯绿茶喝。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ nà bēi lǜchá hē. (Incorrect!)
This one is correct, the same example as above.
- 她把房间打扫干净了。
- Tā bǎ fángjiān dǎsǎo gānjìng le.
But this one is not:
- 她把房间打扫。(Incorrect!)
- Tā bǎ fángjiān dǎsǎo. (Incorrect!)
Don’t use “把” with “得” to indicate ability or possibility
This one is correct:
- 我能把汉语学好。
- Wǒ néng bǎ hànyǔ xuéhǎo.
But this one isn’t:
- 我把汉语学得好。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ hànyǔ xuédehǎo. (Incorrect!)
This example is correct:
- 我能把作业写完。
- Wǒ néng bǎ zuòyè xiěwán.
But this is incorrect:
- 我把作业写得完。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ zuòyè xiědewán. (Incorrect!)
Don’t use “把” with “过” to indicate past experience
This sentence is fine:
- 我吃过饺子。
- Wǒ chīguò jiǎozi.
But you cannot use “把” this way:
- 我把饺子吃过。(Incorrect!)
- Wǒ bǎ jiǎozi chīguò. (Incorrect!)
There you have it. We hope this clarifies how to use 把bǎ in Chinese!