Hoe beëindig je een gesprek in het Chinees?
Many people might find it difficult to politely withdraw themselves from a conversation that is tediously boring or has dragged on for too long, even in their mother tongue. For those of you who are learning the Mandarin Chinese language and find themselves in such situations, this will be a useful piece of reading, on how to end a conversation in Chinese.
How to end a conversation nicely
Simple and a bit dismissive, often used to reject a salesperson:
Simple and casual:
Simple and most direct:
Formal and police:
The closer of a relationship you have with the people you are conversing with, the more detailed your explanation needs to be. Friends are often concerned and want to know why you are leaving. Well, they’re are not nosy. They’re just curious and concerned about their friends 🙂
With these phrases, we hope it will be less awkward when you have to leave in the middle of the Chinese language conversation. At least, you’ve made an effort!
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