2023 HSK exam dates & other details
Please check this post of Goeast for the updated HSK 2024 Exam dates & details
Here are the 2023 HSK exam times if you’re looking to test your Chinese language skills, or need to obtain an HSK certificate for your visa, company, or university.
The below dates are published by the official organization, Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd (CTI). But be aware, there is a disclaimer that these dates may still change (for unforeseen events, such as covid-19). The HSK exams take place in several locations, including in China and certified exam locations abroad.
Click here if you’re looking for:
- HSK Exam preparation courses
- All about YCT (youth test)
- How to do a HSK exam test from home
- Chinese phrases and words per HSK level
- Mock tests downloads (HSK)
- Mock tests downloads (YCT)
Leave your email address for mock HSK exam PDF’s
Is HSK1 to 6 changed to HSK3.0?
No. Levels HSK7 to 9 are added, but HSK1 to HSK6 remain unchanged (the same as since 2010). Even though the vocab lists have already been out for over a full year now, it’s not clear when the new HSK1 to HSK6 will officially be introduced on exams. It could take a few more years. Read about the new HSK levels here.
HSK exam information
Exact details for 2023 are not 100% clear. HSK Spoken Exam (HSKK) dates are shown but this is contrary with an earlier announcement that HSKK is included into the conventional HSK exams for 2023 onwards. For other details you can have a look at the details for 2022, but please note that these may slightly vary:
Prices: Range from HSK 1 being 150 RMB to HSK 6 costing you 650 RMB. (For each level, add 100 RMB.)
Exam durations: Total exam duration ranges from 40 minutes for HSK1 to 140 minutes for HSK6, including 5 minutes to write down your personal information.
Levels: 1 to 9 (although in our very honest opinion, we think exams are only meaningful above HSK3)
See here how long it takes to learn Chinese.
Niveau | Vocabulary to learn | Listening | Reading | Rédaction | Exam duration | Price in CNY |
HSK1 | 150 words | 20 questions, 18 minutes | 20 questions, 17 minutes | Not tested yet | 35 minutes | 150 |
HSK2 | 300 words | 35 questions, 28 minutes | 25 questions, 22 minutes | Not tested yet | 50 minutes | 250 |
HSK3 | 600 words | 40 questions, 40 minutes | 30 questions, 30 minutes | 10 items, 15 minutes | 1 hour 25 minutes | 350 |
HSK4 | 1200 words | 45 questions, 35 minutes | 40 questions, 40 minutes | 15 items, 25 minutes | 1 hour 40 minutes | 450 |
HSK5 | 2500 words | 45 questions, 35 minutes | 45 questions, 45 minutes | 10 items, 40 minutes | 2 hours | 550 |
HSK6 | 5000 words | 50 questions, 40 minutes | 50 questions, 50 minutes | 1 item, 45 minutes | 2 hours 15 minutes | 650 |
HSK7 to 9 | 5636/11092 words | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
How to register for the HSK exam
Registration for the 2023 is not yet open. The registration for the first exam in 2023 (January 7th), opens on December 11th. It’s best to register as soon as possible, as seats are limited. For tests on paper you need to register at least a month ahead, for test on a computer about ten days ahead. You can register on chinesetest.cn by clicking ‘New User’. From there on you can choose a country, region, city, date, and level.
Chinese exams on paper test & computer tests
There are two ways to take the normal HSK test: on paper and using a computer, depending on your preference (especially for writing Hanzi). Before 2022, you could only do both tests in a physical location assigned, but because of the pandemic, you could take the computer test from home in 2022. It’s not clear whether that’s still the case in 2023. Some locations allow you to bring your own computer.
What score do I need to pass?
You need to have at least 60% of the answers right to pass. This means 120 points out of 200 for HSK 1&2, and 180 out of 300 for HSK3 and above.
How long is my HSK diploma valid?
Your HSK diploma is a lifetime certification of your Mandarin skills, but (!) if you wish to apply for a university in China, usually the HSK diploma is only valid for applying to the university two years, start from the day you took the test.
HSK exam results
Results are published online around two weeks after the exam for computer tests, and around four weeks after the exam for paper tests. The official certificate can be sent to you, but you need to request it. (This is possible yet very difficult to do if you’ve done the test in China yet you’ve already moved back to your home country!)
2023 HSK exam schedule
(Scroll down for 2022 schedule.)
An ‘*’ indicates scores are delayed one week because of holidays.
Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) exam dates
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday January 7 | December 11 (Paper), December 28 (Computer) | February 14* (Paper), January 30 (Computer)* | Paper & computer |
Saturday March 18 | February 19 (Paper), March 8 (Computer) | April 18 (Paper), April 10 (Computer)* | Paper & computer |
Sunday April 9 | March 13 (Paper), March 30 (Computer) | May 16* (Paper), April 24 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday May 14 | April 17 (Paper), May 4 (Computer) | June 14 (Paper), May 29 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday June 11 | May 15 (Paper), June 1 (Computer) | July 11 (Paper), June 26 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday July 16 | June 19 (Paper), July 6 (Computer) | August 16 (Paper), August 1 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday August 20 | July 24 (Paper), August 10 (Computer) | September 20 (Paper), September 4 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday September 16 | August 20 (Paper), September 9 (Computer) | October 23* (Paper), October 9* (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday October 15 | September 18 (Paper), October 5 (Computer) | November 15 (Paper), October 30 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday November 18 | October 22 (Paper), November 8 (Computer) | December 18 (Paper), December 4 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday December 3 | November 6 (Paper), November 23 (Computer) | January 3, 2024 (Paper), December 18 2022 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
HSK Speaking Test (口语) exam dates
(We’re not entirely sure why not know why list ‘口语’ is listed separately on the official announcement. According to the previous announcement, HSK & Spoken exams are combined from 2023 onwards. Hang on for our confirmation.
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday January 7 | December 11 (Paper), December 28 (Computer) | February 14* (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday March 18 | February 19 (Paper), March 8 (Computer) | April 18 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday April 9 | March 13 (Paper), March 30 (Computer) | May 16* (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday May 14 | April 17 (Paper), May 4 (Computer) | June 14 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday July 16 | June 19 (Paper), July 6 (Computer) | August 16 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday October 15 | September 18 (Paper), October 5 (Computer) | November 15 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday December 3 | November 6 (Paper), November 23 (Computer) | January 3, 2024 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) exam dates
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Sunday February 5 | January 9 (Paper) | March 5 (Paper) | Paper only |
Saturday March 18 | February 19 (Paper), March 8 (Computer) | April 18 (Paper), April 10* (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday May 13 | April 16 (Paper & Oral), May 3 (Computer) | June 13 (Paper & oral), May 29 (Computer) | Paper, oral & computer |
Sunday August 20 | July 24 (Paper) | September 20 (Paper) | Paper only |
Saturday October 21 | September 24 (Paper), October 11 (Computer) | November 21 (Paper), November 6 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday November 11 | October 15 (Paper & oral), November 1 (Computer | December 11 (Paper & oral), November 27 (Computer) | Paper, oral & computer |
Business Chinese Test (BCT) exam dates
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday February 4 | January 8 (Paper), January 25 (Computer) | March 4 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday April 15 | March 19 (Paper), April 5 (Computer) | May 22* (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday June 18 | May 22 (Paper), June 8 (Computer) | July 18 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday August 5 | July 9 (Paper), July 26 (Computer) | September 5 (Paper & computer | Paper & computer |
Sunday November 12 | October 16 (Paper), November 2 (Computer) | December 12 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Medical Chinese Proficiency Test (MCT)
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday May 13 | April 16 (Paper) | June 13 (Paper) | Paper only |
Saturday November 25 | October 29 (Paper) | December 25 (Paper) | Paper only |
2022 HSK exam schedule
(Scroll down for 2021 schedule.)
An ‘*’ indicates scores are delayed one week because of holidays.
Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) exam dates
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday January 8 | December 12 (Paper), December 29 (Computer) | February 15* (Paper), January 24 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday March 26 | February 27 (Paper), March 16 (Computer) | April 26 (Paper), April 11 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday April 9 | March 13 (Paper), March 30 (Computer) | May 16* (Paper), April 25 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday May 14 | April 17 (Paper), May 4 (Computer) | June 14 (Paper), May 30 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday June 12 | May 16 (Paper), June 2 (Computer) | July 12 (Paper), June 27 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday July 16 | June 19 (Paper), July 6 (Computer) | August 16 (Paper), August 1 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday August 21 | July 25 (Paper), August 11 (Computer) | September 21 (Paper), September 5 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday September 17 | August 21 (Paper), September 7 (Computer) | October 24* (Paper), October 10* (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday October 16 | September 19 (Paper), October 6 (Computer) | November 16 (Paper), October 31 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday November 19 | October 23 (Paper), November 9 (Computer) | December 19 (Paper), December 5 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday December 4 | November 7 (Paper), November 24 (Computer) | January 4, 2023 (Paper), December 19 2022 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) exam dates
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday January 8 | December 12 (Paper), December 29 (Computer) | February 15* (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday March 26 | February 27 (Paper), March 16 (Computer) | April 26 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday April 9 | March 13 (Paper), March 30 (Computer) | May 16* (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday May 14 | April 17 (Paper), May 4 (Computer) | June 14 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday June 12 | May 16 (Paper), June 2 (Computer) | July 12 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday July 16 | June 19 (Paper), July 6 (Computer) | August 16 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday October 16 | September 19 (Paper), October 6 (Computer) | November 16 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday December 4 | November 7 (Paper), November 24 (Computer) | January 4, 2023 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) exam dates
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Sunday February 13 | January 17 (Paper) | March 13 (Paper) | Paper only |
Saturday March 26 | February 27 (Paper), March 16 (Computer) | April 26 (Paper), April 11 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday May 14 | April 17 (Paper & Oral), May 4 (Computer) | June 14 (Paper & oral), May 30 (Computer) | Paper, oral & computer |
Saturday August 20 | July 24 (Paper) | September 24 (Paper) | Paper only |
Saturday October 25 | September 25 (Paper), October 12 (Computer) | November 22 (Paper), November 7 (Computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday November 12 | October 16 (Paper & oral), November 2 (Computer | December 12 (Paper & oral), November 28 (Computer) | Paper, oral & computer |
Business Chinese Test (BCT) exam dates
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday February 12 | January 16 (Paper), February 2 (Computer) | March 12 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday April 16 | March 20 (Paper), April 6 (Computer) | May 23 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday June 19 | May 23 (Paper), June 9 (Computer) | July 19 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Saturday August 6 | July 10 (Paper), July 27 (Computer) | September 6 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Sunday November 13 | October 17 (Paper), November 3 (Computer) | December 13 (Paper & computer) | Paper & computer |
Medical Chinese Proficiency Test (MCT)
Exam date | Registration deadline | Results | Format of the exam |
Saturday May 14 | April 17 (Paper) | June 14 (Paper) | Paper only |
Saturday November 26 | October 30 (Paper) | December 26 (Paper) | Paper only |
Which HSK exam is for me?
Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)
The vanilla flavor. The Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì, or Chinese Proficiency Test, is the international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native Chinese speakers. It goes from HSK 1 to HSK 6.
HSK Speaking Test (HSKK)
This test assesses the test takers’ oral Chinese abilities. HSKK consists of three levels: Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Youth Chinese Test (YCT)
This is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for under 16-year-olds, to assess their abilities to use Chinese as a second language. YCT is divided into writing and speaking tests, which are independent of each other. The writing test consists of four levels, simply 0 to 4, while the speaking test has two: Primary and Intermediate.
Business Chinese Test(BCT)
This is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency, to assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities to use the Chinese language in real business or common working environments. The writing test consists of two levels, namely, BCT(A) and BCT(B). The oral tests (Oral iBT) and Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and conducted via the internet.
Medical Chinese Test (MCT)
This test is for when you want to work in a Chinese hospital, laboratory (related to medicine), or something else related to medicines.
How to Prepare for the HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
There are in total six levels of the HSK tests. HSK1 and HSK2 only have the listening and reading parts, but levels HSK3 to HSK6 have an additional writing part.
Exam Listening
Listen to materials in previous tests. Listen to each question twice: the first time to get a general idea about the topic and the second time to understand every word. This is a very efficient way to accumulate your vocabulary for one specific level.
There are a few main categories of questions such as sports, time, plans, relationships, locations, reasons, manners, etcetera. Try to summarize the categories for your HSK and list the words related to each category. This will help you react quickly to the topic by reading the options in the given answers to the question.
Reading on HSK exam
Going through the whole word list of the HSK level is the last thing you want to do for your HSK preparation. Without a context, even if you memorize every word, it’s still hard to figure out the meaning of a whole sentence.
Do some of the reading exercises in previous HSK tests. As for the test, reading is not just about understanding words and sentences, it’s also about your speed. Try to limit the time to one minute for each question. A lot of students fail because there isn’t enough time to answer questions. Even though the questions are quite easy.
So limit your time to answer practice question and then go back to each question to learn the new words.
It’s worth it to read some supplementary materials based on your HSK level. See our articles on Graded Chinese readers.
Writing on an HSK test
1 Make a sentence with given words
In HSK3, in the first writing part, you need to arrange some given words to make a correct sentence. It’s to test your Chinese grammar and vocabulary. If you take the internet-based test, you can just drag words to make a sentence.
So getting familiar with the sentence structures will help a lot. Take a look at the examples.
- S. + Adv. + Adj.
- 她Tā (she) + 很 hěn(very) + 漂亮 piàoliang (pretty)
- S. +( V. )+ O. + V + 得(de) + Adv. + Adj.
- 我 (wǒ )+说 (shuō) + 汉语 (hànyǔ) + 说 (shuō) + 得 (de)+ 很 (hěn) +流利 (liúlì)。
2: Make sentences based on keywords and the photo
This will be only seen on the HSK4 exam. First tip for HSK exams: Don’t write sentences that are too complicated. Try to use the key word in the right way. This is the most important part and can guarantee you a better score on your HSK test. A good way to get yourself prepared is to pick a few common verbs, nouns, and adjectives for each question, write a sentence with each one and have someone correct them for you.
3: Write a short composition or summary
This kind of Chinese writing is in HSK5 and HSK6 tests. It’s a long-term thing and will take lots of hard practice to get right. Go over the requirements from previous tests and follow these steps to prepare. Don’t forget to get the articles you’ve written reviewed by a native speaker. One can’t learn more than from our own mistakes.
- Step one: practice writing articles with a certain number of words.
- Step two: practice writing within limited time.
- Step three: review all the mistakes from your practice before the real test.
Frequent questions about the HSK exams
Do I need to learn Chinese characters to pass the exam?
There are 6 levels of HSK tests. For level one and two, everything is marked with Pinyin, therefore, you don’t need to know Chinese characters. For the rest ones, sorry, yes!
How much does the HSK exam cost?
The registration fee for HSK differs based on where you take it and which level you want to take. In Mainland China, HSK Level one is 150RMB. Each level after that costs 100RMB more than the last. Unfortunately, the higher your level is, the more expensive, eh?
Can I take an HSK exam whenever I want?
You wish. Nope. Test frequencies and dates vary in countries. In Mainland China, there are 12 test opportunities all year round, which means once in a month. They usually fall on Sundays and all levels are open.
Can I take an HSK test in any place?
Aha, you are thinking way too much. You have to take it at specific test centers. The good news is there are test centers in all the continents except Antarctica. Sorry, Antarctica 🙁
There are internet-based HSK tests. Can I take them home?!
Yes, there are internet-based tests and paper-based tests. The only difference is for the internet-based tests, you can type in characters, but for a paper-based test, you need to write everything by hand. This is why you still need to go to a test center, sorry that there is no such convenience.
How well do I need to speak Chinese to pass?
Good question! There are NO speaking requirements in the HSK! Most people do not know there is HSKK, specifically made for spoken Chinese, which consists of three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. We recommend it if you’d like to prove your speaking ability.
Which level of HSK do you suggest I participate in?
We don’t usually suggest our students to take HSK 1 and 2, because there are usually way too simple. You can probably pass HSK 1 after studying only one week of classes with GoEast. HSK3 is a good start since you need to master a good amount of vocabulary and grammars
If I start preparing two months ahead for an HSK exam, will I be ready?
We don’t suggest studying just for sake of the test. Instead, we suggest that you study comprehensive Chinese, and when your level is almost there (which your teachers should be able to tell you), start an HSK prep course to familiarize yourself with the test.
Is there a photo of me on the certificate?
Yes, the same one as the one you submit when you register. So remember to give your best-looking one 🙂
When do I get my HSK exam score?
You will get to know your score in 3 weeks after you take the test. It is not a pass-fail test. You have to get 180 points to pass, but your score is also shown on the certificate. Motivated now?
2021 exam schedule
Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) exam dates
Exam date | Format of the exam |
Saturday October 17th 2020 | Paper & online |
Saturday November 7th 2020 | Only online |
Saturday November 21st 2020 | Paper & online |
Sunday December 6th 2020 | Paper & online |
Saturday January 9th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday February 6th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday March 7th 2021 | Only online |
Saturday March 20th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday April 10th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday May 15th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday June 19th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday July 18th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday August 22nd 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday September 11th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday October 17th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday November 6th 2021 | Only online |
Saturday November 20th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday December 5th 2021 | Paper & online |
HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) exam dates
Exam date | Format of the exam |
Saturday October 17th 2020 | Paper & online |
Sunday December 6th 2020 | Paper & online |
Saturday January 9th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday March 20th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday April 10th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday May 15th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday July 18th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday October 17th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday December 5th 2021 | Paper & online |
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) exam dates
Exam date | Format of the exam |
Saturday February 6th 2021 | Paper only |
Saturday March 20th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday May 15th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday August 21st 2021 | Paper only |
Saturday October 23rd 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday December 13th 2021 | Paper & online |
Business Chinese Test (BCT) exam dates
Exam date | Format of the exam |
Saturday January 30th 2021 | Paper & online |
Sunday April 18th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday June 12th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday August 7th 2021 | Paper & online |
Saturday November 13th 2021 | Paper & online |
Medical Chinese Proficiency Test (MCT)
Exam date | Format of the exam |
Saturday May 15th 2021 | Paper only |
Saturday November 27th 2021 | Paper only |