10 signs that you’re becoming more Chinese
Has living in China or learning Mandarin in Shanghai or online made you become more Chinese? See these ten questions, and see if you can score a full ten!
– Number 1 –
You call “Powerpoint” “pīpītī”. Bonus point if you also call apps as ‘ēipīpī’.
– Number 2 –
You prefer hot water over cold water. A bonus point is awarded if you ever said “多喝热水” to somebody else.
– Number 3 –
When people praise you, you say “哪里哪里” instead of “Thank you”.
– Number 4 –
You can’t help doing “✌️” when you are taking group pictures.
– Number 5 –
You pick up the phone and naturally say “喂wéi”, even to English-speaking callers.
– Number 6 –
You always waimai or dine out, you barely cook at home.
– Number 7 –
You haven’t used cash in half a year.
– Number 8 –
You have little patience to wait for any packages. “What?!! It will take 48 hours to arrive?!!!”
– Number 9 –
You prefer sharing food when you eat with a group instead of just ordering a dish for yourself.
Another bonus point if you also love coriander!
– Number 10 –
You are able to have a whole 30 minutes conversation with just these words: 对对对,好的,行,真的吗?
How many ones do you have out of these ten? A salute to those who are so open-minded and try to adapt to the culture and lifestyle in China! 入乡随俗,你们做得很好. Share this post and see how high your friends score as well!