xswl signification en chinois
Like many other Chinese abbreviations, such as yyds or nmsl, xswl consists of the Pinyin initials. Let’s look at xswl meaning in Chinese
The meaning of XSWL
XSWL stands for “笑死我了” in Chinese Hanzi characters, or in Pinyin: Xiào sǐ wǒle. It’s very comparable to the English abbreviation ‘ROFL’, although the literal meaning of xswl isn’t rolling on the floor laughing, but of ‘Laughing myself to death’.
How to use XSWL
xswl is often used as a reply, for instance:
Person A writes:
- 我今天相亲了一个男的,发现是我邻居的儿子,好尴尬
- Wǒ jīntiān xiàng qīn le yīgè nán de, fāxiàn shì wǒ línjū de érzi, hǎo gāngà
- I went on a blind date with a man today and found out it was my neighbor’s son, how awkward
Person B writes back:
- xswl
In Chinese, xswl is always written, you don’t say ‘xswl’ in a spoken conversation. In such a conversation, just say the full sentence: ‘笑死我了Xiào sǐ wǒle’.
‘X’ to death
The Chinese way of using xswl is actually very common. The structure of ‘X to death’ or ‘x 死我了’ (X sǐ wǒle) is often used, sometimes with ‘我wǒ’, sometimes without:
- 饿死我了 È sǐ wǒle (I’m so hungry I’m about to die)
- 累死了 Lèi sǐle (I’m so tired I’m about to die)
- 烦死了 Fán sǐle (So annoying it makes me die)
- 吵死了 Chǎo sǐle (So noisy it makes me die)
- 难吃死了 Nán chī sǐle (So untasty it makes me die)
- 丑死了Chǒu sǐle (So ugly I want to die)
- 臭死了Chòu sǐle (So smelly I want to die)
If you want to describe someone going fast, do not use 快死了Kuài sǐle as shown in this video.
Want to get some xswl though? Check out these jokes in Chinese.